There will always be ROCKS in the road ahead of us. . .

They will be stumbling blocks or stepping
stones; it all depends on how we use them.

 I had a friend that wanted to put some inspirational quotes on her office wall.  She was kind enough to send me a picture of her walls after she put them up.  I think they turned out great.  Thanks Dawn!

Our LIVES begin to end the day we bcome SILENT about things that matter.  Martin Luther King, Jr.

Custom Decals and Lettering

ARTifex Studio window lettering decals

Have you always had a favorite quote that you would like to make a part of your home decor?  Do you have a business and you would like to put your logo on your car or on a magnet?  Do you have a shop window that you need lettering for?  We can help with all of your custom needs.  Send us an email and let us know what you have in mind.  We will create a proof for your approval and then we can cut your vinyl.  It's that simple!  Here are a few pictures of custom orders we've done.

This was going on a metal sign to designate parking.

Custom window decal

Girls' Night Spring 2010

The girls got together on April 3 while the guys all went to their meeting. We had a fun time crafting spring blocks. It got a little crazy at times, but it was a lot of fun!! I thought I'd share a few photos.

Kelsie and Breanne - joint effort :)
Terriann's blocks
Jenna's blocks.

Be Strong and of a Good Courage

The Young Women's President in the Bullard Ward in Texas asked me to come up with a design for a 4 x 6 block with the 2010 theme for LDS Youth. This is the design we did and how the project turned out. Thanks, Dana, for the picture!


There's a little bit of COWBOY in all of us! This is a fun decal for the cowboy in your life. The lettering measures 20 x 4 and the cowboy silhouette measures 18 x 10. They come in 2 pieces and run $15 for the set. For ordering visit my ETSY shop here.